Observational Large Ensemble This dataset contains members of the Observational Large Ensemble as documented in McKinnon and Deser, currently submitted to Journal of Climate. The ensemble is created by resampling observed variability using statistical techniques, and then setting the forced component of the ensemble to be identical to that of the NCAR CESM1 Large Ensemble. Due to the large size of the files, only the first 50 members of OLENS are provided here. Please contact Karen McKinnon (karen.mckinnon@post.harvard.edu) for access to the remainder. They are easily available on the glade filesystem. (2017-12-26)   This description comes from the official metadata record. The original code to reproduce the simulation is also available on the author github account .

We downloaded the data from the Earth System Grid data portal, but the original data soruce is the UCAR thredds catalogue.


  The data is stored in the ua8 project as part of a collecrtion of Large Ensemble models datasets /g/data/ua8/LE_models/OLENS/<variable>/<files>  

We currently have only copied monthly precipitation data (pr), the observational dataset used to produce this is GPCC.  


McKinnon, Karen, 2017, "Members of the Observational Large Ensemble", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/VYH544, Harvard Dataverse, V1


McKinnon, K. A., Poppick, A., Dunn-Sigouin, E., and Deser, C.: An “Observational Large Ensemble” to Compare Observed and Modeled Temperature Trend Uncertainty due to Internal Variability, J. Climate, 30, 7585–7598, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0905.1, 2017. 

Repository of code to create OLENS: https://github.com/karenamckinnon/olens