

  • Nature 
  • Nature Climate Change 
  • Scientific Reports 

Open data policy

Springer Nature Research Data Policy

This covers 4 different kind of data policies:

Type 1

Data sharing and data citation is encouraged

Type 2 

Data sharing and evidence of data sharing encouraged   

Type 3

Data sharing encouraged and statements of data availability required

Type 4

 Data sharing, evidence of data sharing and peer review of data required

          Scientific Data (see Data policies)

Specific journal policies are listed for each journal under editorial policies, they are in line with the main Springer Nature data policy, linked above.

The following is an example for Nature journal:

Nature reporting data


Data policy guidance for authors

Recommended repositories

Specifically for software, some journals will peer review code:

Guidelines for authors submitting Code


  • No supplement is required but Nature Research journals encourage authors to consider the publication of a Data Descriptor in Scientific Data to increase transparency and enhance the re-use value of data sets used in their papers.
  • DOI is not explicitly required
  • Software is explicitly required
  • Data Availiability Statement is required
  • NB while some fo the repositories we use are not specifically included in their repositories list, they are relatively discipline specific for our community in Australia and follow the FAIR principles

Centre publishing procedure is fully compliant with the requirements