Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation from JAXA

GSMaP is a dataset of hourly global rainfall maps, a re-analysis version of the Near-Real-Time product by JAXA Global Rainfall Watch for meteorological and climate studies. Different products are part of GSMaP we copied the Gauge-calibrated Reanalysis product GSMaP_Gauge_RNL v6. Variable is rainfall rate and gauge-calibrated rain rate in mm/h, original units of raw product are mm/hr we converted to standard units kg m^-2 s^-1 in the netcdf version. The global grid is limited to 60N-60S and resolution is 0.1 degree latitude/longitude. Temporal resolution is up to 1 hour (averaged from 00 minutes to 59 minutes). The current algorithm version is 7, version 6 is also available. The product version for v6 is v03 which doesn't detect snowfall, the new version v04, used for v7, fixes the issue. More information on the upgrade and changes to the product are available here. The Gauge_RNL product is updated only occasionally currently v7 covers from March 2014 to december 2019, while v6 covers from March 2000 to February 2014. We downloaded the daily data (average between 00 to 23 hours) but 1 hourly is available too. More information is available from the PDF and readme file available in the directory and online and from the GSMaP webpage



Anyone using this product should register with the JAXA GSMaP products portal You should include acknowledgements and citations as directed in the pdf available with the data and from the GSMaP webpage (see above). JAXA would also like to receive a copy of your manuscript, again see instructions on the webpage. Signing up is also recommended to receive the frequent updates on the GSMaP products, while they mostly refer to the Near-Real-Time and gauge products, the re-analysis is derived from them so they might contain important information.


Kubota T. et al. (2020) Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) Products in the GPM Era. In: Levizzani V., Kidd C., Kirschbaum D., Kummerow C., Nakamura K., Turk F. (eds) Satellite Precipitation Measurement. Advances in Global Change Research, vol 67. Springer, Cham DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24568-9_20


The data is available in ua8 project:



The older v6 version is in



The original binary data is in


NB this directory structure and also the project might change since we are trying to have one structure for all re-analysis products.