CLEX projects at NCI

The projects are:


Project code Research Program (RP) Lead CI
v45 Ocean Extremes Andy Hogg
w40 Weather and Climate interactions Martin Jucker
w42 Attribution and Risk Abhnil Prasad
w97 Drought Jason Evans

w35 has been merged into w97

w48 has been merged into w40

Pre - 2022 project assignments:

Project code Research Program (RP) Lead CI
v45 Extra-tropical variability Andy Hogg
w35 Drought Claire Carouge
w40 Extreme Rainfall Todd Lane
w42 Extreme Rainfall Steven Sherwood
w48 Tropical Variability Dietmar Dommenget
w97 Heatwaves Jason Evans

Which project to join if part of several RPs

We recommend people join all relevant projects but choose one project to work from. This will help people to collaborate with researchers from all the RPs they are part of.


Setup default project on Gadi

  • Check your default project. Connect to Gadi. Then type: