The CESM Paleoclimate Working Group at NCAR conducted a series of Last Millennium community experiments, referred to as the Last Millennium Ensemble (LME). The LME used a ~2-degree atmosphere and land, ~1-degree ocean and sea ice version of CESM-CAM5_CN (1.9x2.5_gx1v6). Ensemble members extend from 850 to 2006 using reconstructions for the transient evolution of solar intensity, volcanic emissions, greenhouse gases, aerosols, land use conditions, and orbital parameters, together and individually. For more information: CESM1-LME website

You can find known issues with this dataset listed in the same website.

Terms of use

From the CESM project website: If you are interested in analyzing the CESM-CAM5 Last Millennium Ensemble, we kindly ask that you provide a short description of your proposed research focus and your contact information. Please send this information to Bob Tomas (tomas@ucar.edu) so that other users can see what projects are underway. A list of projects can be found here. A list of publications using the Last Millennium Ensemble can be found here. If you would like to add a publication to this list, please contact [webhelp@cgd.ucar.edu]. When presenting results either in oral or written form, please acknowledge the CESM1(CAM5) Last Millennium Ensemble Community Project and supercomputing resources provided by NSF/CISL/Yellowstone. An overview paper of the Last Millennium Ensemble Project should be cited as follows: Otto-Bliesner, B.L., E.C. Brady, J. Fasullo, A. Jahn, L. Landrum, S. Stevenson, N. Rosenbloom, A. Mai, G. Strand. Climate Variability and Change since 850 C.E.: An Ensemble Approach with the Community Earth System Model (CESM), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 735-754 (May 2016 issue)| Article Download| ]

CESM1-LME on raijin

We downloaded a subset of the entire collection, mostly monthly fields. For each selected variables we downloaded all the available ensembles. The data was downloaded from the NCAR earth system website and it will be eventually hosted as part of the ua6 project. The current location on raijin is: /g/data1/ua6/CESM1-LME/<frequency>/<variable>/<version>/<files>



NB All the ensembles are stored in the same directory, this is a temporary arrangement and might change without notice!

Atmosphere monthly fields:

  • T - temperature v6
  • TS - surface temperature v7
  • TSMN - minimum temperature v6
  • TSMX - maximum temperature v6
  • PRECT - precipitation v2
  • PS pressure v6
  • PSL sea level pressure v7
  • TAUX zonal surface stress v6
  • TAUY meridional surface stress v6
  • PRECRC_H216Or Convective rain rate for H216Or v1
  • PRECRC_H218Or Convective rain rate for H218Or v1
  • PRECRL_H216OR  Large-scale (stable) rain rate for H216OR v1
  • PRECRL_H218OR  Large-scale (stable) rain rate for H218OR v1
  • PRECSC_H216Os Convective snow rate (water equivalent) for H216Os v1
  • PRECSC_H218Os Convective snow rate (water equivalent) for H218Os v1
  • PRECSL_H216OS Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) for H216OS v1
  • PRECSL_H218OS Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) for H218OS v1
  • OMEGA - vertical velocity v6

Atmosphere daily fields:

  • Z500 - geopotential height at 500mbar V6
  • TS - surface temperature V6
  • PRECT - precipitation V2

Ocean monthly fields:

  • HBLT - boundary-layer depth v8
  • HMXL - mixed layer depth v8
  • SSH - sea surface height v8/v9
  • SST - potential temperature v8
  • TEMP - potential temperature v8/v9
  • R180 - v2

Ice monthly fields:

  • aice - sea ice area V6

Land monthly fields:

  • QOVER - surface runoff V7
  • QRUNOFF - total liquid runoff V7