Australian Operational Weather Radar Archive

This archives provides weather radar data from the operational network in the ODIM HDF5 format. The data is provided without corrections, calibration and gridding. Use the following preadsheet to find the identification number of a radar.

The archive is arranged according to the following structure.

1. The first level of subdirectories is named by weather radar ID (e.g., '01'). To find further information on the name and location of each ID, see the radar index spreadsheet: radar_site_list.csv in the root directory.

2. The second level of subdirectories is named using the year (e.g., 2010)

3. The third level contains product folders for daily summary images ('img'), daily statistics spreadsheets ('list') and daily zip of radar volumes ('vol')

3.1. Daily summary images are named ID_YYYYMMDD_dailymaxrefl.png. These images show the accumulated second sweep maximum reflectivity from all radar data from that day

3.2. Daily statistic spreadsheets are named ID_YYYYMMDD_tarlist.txt These comma delimited text files contains statistics derived from each radar volume for that day. Detailed descriptions of the spreadsheet columns are provided in the first row.

3.3. Radar volumes is collected into daily zip files and named Volume files are in the HDF5 format using the ODIM data model specification. Individual data volumes are named ID_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.pvol.h5 Data managed by Monash University and the Bureau of Meteorology

Link to project overview

Link to data repository