Template:Consider Delete This information is especially outdated, and we're considering deleting it

ACCESS-O (or AusCOM) is the ocean-ice implementation of the ACCESS climate model. It consists of the ocean (MOM) and ice (CICE) components coupled through OASIS and a data-driven atmospheric model (MATM), primarily driven by CORE atmospheric forcing.

This document provides basic instructions for building and running standard CORE-forced experiments.

Note: These instructions assume that the user has access to the v45 project. Contact CMS if you do not belong to this project.

Installing AusCOM

First locate an appropriate directory from where you can run AusCOM (usually /short) and create a directory to hold your source code, e.g.:

mkdir -p /short/v45/${USER}/projects     # Or any directory

where ${USER} is your username.

Note: Do not use /short/v45/${USER}/auscom, since model output is stored in this directory.

Next, clone a copy of the repository:

cd /short/v45/${USER}/projects
git clone

Once this complete, run the build script:

cd auscom

A full build of all AusCOM components will usually take about an hour.

Once installation is complete, run the script to create symbolic links to the input forcing fields:


The original copies of these files are stored in /g/data/v45/auscom. If you want to modify the forcing fields and configuration files, then you will need to create new symbolic links to your own directories. Contact CMS if you require any assistance.

You should now be ready to submit an AusCOM experiment.

However, if you ever need to delete the executables and rebuild AusCOM, there is a script named script which will delete any compiled binaries:


Running AusCOM

The default experiment cnyf2-sw1 is located with the repository. To run the experiment, move to its directory and run the provided script:

cd exp/cnyf2-sw1

This will run for one model year, and will take approximately 3 hours.

Model output can be accessed in the output/cnyf2-sw1/history directory.

This is a symbolic link to the actual data, located at /short/v45/${USER}/auscom/OUTPUT

Configuring AusCOM

AusCOM is configured to run a series of self-resubmitting one-year simulations.

The total duration is set within the script. In this part of this script (line 135):

# Initial and final date of the experiment
if [[ $DEBUG = "yes" ]]; then
    iniyear=1;  finalyear=1;        typeset -Z4 iniyear  finalyear
    inimonth=1; finalmonth=1;       typeset -Z2 inimonth finalmonth
    iniday=1;   finalday=4;         typeset -Z2 iniday   finalday
    iniyear=1;  finalyear=5;        typeset -Z4 iniyear  finalyear
    inimonth=1; finalmonth=12;      typeset -Z2 inimonth finalmonth
    iniday=1;   finalday=31;        typeset -Z2 iniday   finalday

Under the else}} block (non-debug mode), replace {{finalyear with the numbers of years that you want to run. (Set as five years in this example).

To change the duration of a single run, locate this code block (line 146):

# Duration of this run (maybe the most often visited place for test/short runs):
if [[ $DEBUG = "yes" ]]; then
    nyear=0         # number of years (ALWAYS 0 ! change nmonth etc...)
    nmonth=0        # number of months
    nday=1          # number of days
    nyear=0         # number of years (ALWAYS 0 ! change nmonth etc...)
    nmonth=12       # number of months
    nday=0          # number of days

and replace nmonth}} and Template:Ndays of the {{else block with the desired duration.

Standard PBS configuration also applies to the script header (beginning on line 35 of Most have been pre-configured for the standard one-year experiment, but users may need to change the following:

  • #PBS -P v45}}: Deduct CPU hours from project {{v45
  • #PBS -W group_list=v45}}: New files belong to the {{v45 group
  • #PBS -l walltime=4:00:00: Submit a four-hour job

If you need further information about model configuration, contact CMS.