ACCESS-S1 Hindcast Data

ACCESS-S1 Hindcast Data


ACCESS-S1 is the Bureau of Meteorology's coupled-model seasonal prediction system.

The hindcast dataset is freely available for research purposes.

To access the data, you will need to request access to Project ub7 via


Hindcast Information


Years: 23 Years (1990-2012)

Starts Dates: 1st, 9th, 17th 25th of each month

Ensembles: For each start date there are 11 hindcasts (i.e., an 11-member ensemble)

Lead times: All hindcasts are out to 6 months into the future

Location: /g/data/ub7/access-s1/hc





5km calibrated data

Forecasts containing daily data on a 5x5km grid over Australia. The values have been calibrated using quantile-quantile mapping technique. Key variables include rainfall, max/min temperature, and surface variables normally required to drive agricultural models (eg. wind, radiation, evaporation etc). Ideal for interfacing to Applications tools e.g. pasture growth models etc


5km bias-corrected data

Forecasts containing daily data on a 5x5km grid over Australia. The values have been bias corrected (mean bias corrected) and is ideal for scientists who want to do their own calibration.. Key variables include rainfall, max/min temperature, and surface variables normally required to drive agricultural models (eg. wind, radiation, evaporation etc). Ideal for scientists wanting to explore calibration techniques.


60km raw atmosphere

Raw uncalibrated atmospheric and land surface model output. Dataset is global and on the model grid (~60km). Includes a wide range of atmospheric surface and 3D variables and land surface temperature and moisture.

Ideal for advanced researchers who can do their own bias correction.


25km raw ocean

Raw uncalibrated ocean and sea-ice surface model output. Dataset is global and on the model grid (~25km). Currently only ocean surface temperature and sea level are available.

Ideal for advanced researchers who can do their own bias correction.



Directory structure

The location and name of each output file is typically as follows:

<span style="font-size:10pt"><span style="font-family:" courier="" new""=""><span style="caret-color:#000000"><span style="color:#000000">{location}/{system}/{var}/{period}/{ensemble}/{type}_{var}_{YYYYMMDD}_{ensemble}.nc</span></span></span></span>


  • system: atmos/ocean
  • period: The time averaging period of the data: daily (daily data), monthly (monthly averages of the daily values)
  • type: Describes the type of field. Derived primarily from the averaging
  • period e.g., da=daily; ma=monthly
  • var: variable
  • YYYYMMDD: The start date of the hindcast
  • ensemble: ensemble member (e01..e11 – ensembles 1 to 11; emn – ensemble mean)


Climatologies corresponding to each file are also available with the format:


The climatology is the average of each hindcast for a given start day and month (e.g. 1st Jan) over the hindcast period (e.g. 1990-2012) and averaged across all 11 ensemble members. This climatology can be used to create anomalies by subtracting the climatology from the forecast.


If you have any questions about the data, please contact Griffith Young ( or Debbie Hudson (