WRFDA V3.4.1 Installation

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WRFDA (version 3.4.1) Installation


This document is intended to serve as a handy reference for new users in building and running the WRFDA-4DVAR on the RAIJIN cluster at NCI without the need of making site-specific modification to WRFDA.

Source Code

The source code tar files of WRFDA (V3.4.1) have been downloaded and placed in the subdirectory /projects/WRF/Downloads on the RAIJIN cluster. The uncompressed source code for V3.4.1 of WRFDA, which have been ported to build on RAIJIN cluster, is located in the subdirectory /projects/WRFPLUS/WRFPLUS_V3.4.1.


Check the loaded modules and you should already have the Intel compilers and OpenMPI loaded, run:

module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) rash 2) pbs 3) dot 4) intel-fc/ 5) intel-cc/ 6) openmpi/1.6.3

Ensure that intel compiler Version 12 or above is used

Load the required netcdf module, run:

module load netcdf/

If configuring to build GRIB2 support, run (tcsh):

setenv JASPERINC /usr/include setenv JASPERLIB /usr/lib64

To enable large file support in NetCDF (This installation of NetCDF supports large file support), run(tcsh):


If observational data in the PREPBUFR format are to be used, run(tcsh):

    • setenv BUFR 1

If satellite radiance data are to be used, in addition to the NCEP BUFR library, a Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) is required. Run(tcsh):

    • setenv CRTM 1

To set compilation environments for the CRTM build, the env variable SFC_CRTM needs to be specified, run(tcsh):

    • setenv SFC_CRTM ifort

For WRFDA-4DVAR build, assuming that WRFPLUS has been installed (required), set the environment variable WRFPLUS_DIR to the appropriate directory. Run(tcsh):


Create your personal subdirectory in /short/, run:

mkdir -p /short/$PROJECT/$USER/WRFDA_V3.4.1

Copy the WRFDA files to your /short/ subdirectory, run:

cd /short/$PROJECT/$USER/WRFDA_V3.4.1 cp -rf /projects/WRF/WRFDA/WRFDA_V3.4.1/WRFDA .


Go to the /WRFDA/ subdirectory, run:

cd /short/$PROJECT/$USER/WRFDA_V3.4.1/WRFDA/

Start with a clean installation before compiling WRFDA, run:

./clean -a

    • Configure WRFDA-3DVAR, run

./configure wrfda

You will be given four choices using Intel compiler. These choices range from compiling for a single processor job (serial), OpenMP shared-memory (smpar), to using distributed-memory (dmpar) or distributed Memory with shared memory (dm+sm).

Please select from among the following build methods. 1. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (serial) 2. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (smpar) 3. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dmpar) 4. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dm+sm) Enter selection [1-4] : Once an option is selected from above, a choice of what type of nesting (no nesting (0), basic (1), pre-set moves (2), or vortex following (3)) will be given.

Compile for nesting? (0=no nesting, 1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 0]: For options dmpar and dm+sm, the choice 0=no nesting is not applicable.

    • Configure WRFDA-4DVAR, run:

./configure 4dvar

You will be given two choices using Intel compiler. These choices include compiling for a single processor job (serial) and using distributed-memory (dmpar).

Please select from among the following supported platforms.

1. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (serial) 2. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dmpar)

Enter selection [1-2] : Once an option is selected from above, a choice of what type of nesting (no nesting (0), basic (1), pre-set moves (2), or vortex following (3)) will be given.

Compile for nesting? (0=no nesting, 1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 0]: For options dmpar, the choice 0=no nesting is not applicable.

A file configure.wrf should be created after configuring has completed.

Modify the script run_compile:



To build WRFDA, use the script run_compile to submit it to the job batch queue, run:

qsub run_compile

Make sure that all executables have been generated (especially da_wrfvar.exe)

Note that this should not have any effects on compiling if different versions of openMPI and netCDF.