UM Filenames

Output files from the UM encode metadata on their contents in the filename. Files have names like ${JOBID}${MODEL}_${CODE}${TIME}, e.g. saanaa.da006.

  • JOBID is the identification code of the job in the UMUI
  • MODEL will generally be a for atmospheric model
  • CODE is a two letter code describing what the file contains
  • TIME is a three or more character encoding of what the model time was for the dump

Possible values for CODE include (the full listing is available in the | UM documentation)

  • dx Dumps
    • da Instantaneous forecast dump
    • dm Monthly dump
    • ds Seasonal dump
  • sx Partial sum dump
  • px Daily or standard mean PP file
    • pa-pj PP files A-J
    • pm Montly mean
    • py Yearly mean
  • mx Multi-year mean
    • ma-mj Multi-year mean from files A-J
    • mm Multi-annual montly mean
  • rx, qx, ax Observation files
  • bx Boundary files
    • ba-bh UMUI streams 1-8

There are several possible encodings for the TIME value, they can be selected in the Input/Output control->Time convention panel of the UMUI. Which was used can be identified by the separator between MODEL and CODE - _: relative time, .: standard absolute, -: short absolute, @: long absolute.

  • Relative time in hours or timesteps since the basis
  • Short absolute time - one digit for the year in base 10, three digits for the day, one alphanumeric character 0-n for hour 00-23
  • Standard absolute time - One alphanumeric character 0-z for the decade, one digit for the year in that decade then either a three character month or season name or one character 0-c for the month, one character 0-v for the day one character 0-n for the hour
  • Long absolute time - One character 0-z for the century, two digits for the year in that century then either a two character month or season name or one character 0-c for the month and one 0-v for the day
  • Sub hourly time - One character 0-z for tens of hours, one digit 0-9 for hours then two digits for minutes in the hour