Standard UM Runs

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Standard UM Runs

Configuring new UM jobs can be a complex process, there are many different options within the UMUI that can affect the science of the model. Usually it is a good idea to start from an existing configuration, using that as a base and adding your own changes. We support a number of standard run types that you can build on top of.


ACCESS 1.0 was the first release of the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator for the CMIP5 project. ACCESS 1.0 is based on the Hadley Centre's HadGEM2 atmosphere configuration, with land modelling using MOSES, oceans from MOM4 and sea ice from the CICE model. It comes in both Atmosphere-Land Only (AMIP-type) and Fully Coupled (CMIP-type) configurations.

AMIP-type Runs

Information about the ACCESS 1.0 AMIP model is available at

We do not currently have a standard experiment for ACCESS 1.0 AMIP on Accessdev. Job vagga is a port of the old Accesscollab standard run.

CMIP-type Runs

Information about the ACCESS 1.0 CMIP model is available at

Note that the ACCESS CMIP model does not use the UMUI and must be configured separately


ACCESS 1.3 was the second release of the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator for the CMIP5 project. ACCESS 1.3 is based on a pre-release of the Hadley Centre's HadGEM3 atmosphere configuration, with land modelling using CABLE, oceans from MOM4 and sea ice from the CICE model. It comes in both Atmosphere-Land Only (AMIP-type) and Fully Coupled (CMIP-type) configurations.

AMIP-type Runs

Information about the ACCESS 1.3 AMIP model is available at

ACCESS 1.3 AMIP is supported as a standard run named vabha

CMIP-type Runs

Other ACCESS Models

CAWCR support variants of the ACCESS model, including regional and NWP variants. There are also variants of ACCESS with different model compositions that were used for testing & not submitted to CMIP5 (the ACCESS 1.1 and 1.2 variants) as well as variants with an updated CABLE land surface (the ACCESS 1.3b and 1.4 variants).

More information about ACCESS variants is available at

Global Atmosphere 4

The Met Office's GA4 model is intended to provide a single configuration across all time and spatial scales, from regional forecasts running over a few hours to global models spanning centuries. It consists of the Unified Model atmosphere & JULES land-surface models. GA4 uses the New Dynamics dynamical core.

UKCA StratTrop + MODE

A version of the Met Office's job anenj is available on Raijin as with job ID vabqa

Global Atmosphere 6

The Met Office's GA6 model is intended to provide a single configuration across all time and spatial scales, from regional forecasts running over a few hours to global models spanning centuries. It consists of the Unified Model atmosphere & JULES land-surface models. GA6 uses the Endgame dynamical core.

Nested Model

Information about the GA6.1 nested model is available at

The Nested Model is provided as a standard experiment group named vabi. Note that special configuration is required to use this model, see the link for details