Standalone JULES Tagged Version 8.3 Installation Guide

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This document outlines the build procedure of standalone JULES (Tagged Version 8.3)



svn co .

(2) vi src/control/shared/Makefile > add: compiling to the file bvoc_vars.F90 (3) vi src/science/surface/Makefile > add: compiling to the file bvoc_emissions.F90 (4) vi src/science/params/Makefile > add: compiling to the file c_bvoc.F90 (5) module load netcdf/3.6.3

(6) make COMPILER=intel BUILD=run CDF_LIB_PATH=/apps/netcdf/3.6.3/lib CDF_MOD_PATH=/apps/netcdf/3.6.3/include

Following the instruction above should be able to help you get a successful JULES standalone build. > Enjoy it!