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This program is very simple, and no attempt has been made to test it against complicated namelist constructions. If you find it does not work for your namelists and would like it to, please contact the [http://www.climatescience.org.au/staff/profile/AHeerdegen | author] or [[home  |  contact the CMS team]]
This program is very simple, and no attempt has been made to test it against complicated namelist constructions. If you find it does not work for your namelists and would like it to, please contact the [http://www.climatescience.org.au/staff/profile/AHeerdegen | author] or [[home  |  contact the CMS team]]

Revision as of 01:00, 21 March 2019


Is a simple python script which utilises | f90nml, Marshall Ward's excellent FORTRAN namelist parser, to do a simple minded comparison of two FORTRAN | namelists.

The nmlcompare package is available on raijin available under | ACCESS apps.

$ nmlcompare -h
usage: nmlcompare [-h] [-s] [-d] [-g GROUPS] first second

Report the difference between two FORTRAN namelist files. (=) Means they are
same, (-) missing in second, (+) missing in first, (?) exists in both, but
with different values

positional arguments:
  first                 namelist file
  second                namelist file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --same            Show variables that are the same (default False)
  -d, --diff            Show variables that are the different (default True,
                        use -d to toggle off)
  -g GROUPS, --groups GROUPS
                        Specify particular namelist groups


For example, given two namelists, short1.nml:

$ cat short1.nml
        months = 6,
        days   = 0,
        current_date = 1,1,1,0,0,0,
        calendar = 'noleap',
        dt_cpld = 1800,
        dt_atmos = 1800,
        do_atmos = .false.,
        do_land = .false.,
        do_ocean = .true.,
        atmos_npes = 0,
        ocean_npes = 0,



        file_name = 'diag_integral.out'
            time_units = 'days'
            output_interval = -1.0

        max_files = 1000

and short2.nml:

$ cat short2.nml
        months = 6,
        days   = 5,
        current_date = 1,1,1,0,0,0,
        calendar = 'noleap',
        dt_cpld = 1800,
        dt_atmos = 1800,
        do_atmos = .false.,
        do_land = .false.,
        do_ice = .true.,
        atmos_npes = 0,
        ocean_npes = 0,



        max_files = 100


A simple comparison, with no options:

$ nmlcompare short1.nml short2.nml
       (?)max_axes : 300 -> 100
       (?)max_files : 1000 -> 100
       (?)days : 0 -> 5
       (-)do_ocean : True
       (-)use_lag_fluxes : True
       (+)do_ice : True
       (-)file_name : diag_integral.out
       (-)time_units : days
       (-)output_interval : -1.0
       (+)do_area_weighted_flux : True

As explained in the usage above, "(?)" indicates the group (or variable) is in both namelists, but are different, "(-)" that it is only in the first namelist and "(+)" only in the second.

It is possible to only list specified namelist groups using the "-g" option, multiple times if more than one group is required:

$ nmlcompare short1.nml -g coupler_nml -g flux_exchange_nml short2.nml
       (?)days : 0 -> 5
       (-)do_ocean : True
       (-)use_lag_fluxes : True
       (+)do_ice : True
       (+)do_area_weighted_flux : True

You can also output variables that are the same in both namelists:

$ nmlcompare short1.nml -s short2.nml
       (=)max_num_axis_sets : 40
       (?)max_axes : 300 -> 100
       (?)max_files : 1000 -> 100
       (=)max_output_fields : 700
       (=)issue_oor_warnings : False
       (=)max_input_fields : 700
       (=)atmos_npes : 0
       (=)check_stocks : 0
       (=)months : 6
       (?)days : 0 -> 5
       (=)do_land : False
       (=)current_date : [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
       (=)do_atmos : False
       (=)ocean_npes : 0
       (=)calendar : noleap
       (=)dt_atmos : 1800
       (=)dt_cpld : 1800
       (-)do_ocean : True
       (-)use_lag_fluxes : True
       (+)do_ice : True
       (-)file_name : diag_integral.out
       (-)time_units : days
       (-)output_interval : -1.0
       (+)do_area_weighted_flux : True

Equally it is possible to only show the variables that are the same in both namelists by "toggling off" the difference flag (-d):

$ nmlcompare short1.nml -s -d short2.nml
       (=)max_num_axis_sets : 40
       (=)max_output_fields : 700
       (=)issue_oor_warnings : False
       (=)max_input_fields : 700
       (=)atmos_npes : 0
       (=)check_stocks : 0
       (=)months : 6
       (=)do_land : False
       (=)current_date : [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
       (=)do_atmos : False
       (=)ocean_npes : 0
       (=)calendar : noleap
       (=)dt_atmos : 1800
       (=)dt_cpld : 1800

This program is very simple, and no attempt has been made to test it against complicated namelist constructions. If you find it does not work for your namelists and would like it to, please contact the | author or contact the CMS team