Revision as of 21:08, 13 February 2017 by ClaireCarouge (talk | contribs) (Imported from Wikispaces)
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One of the main difference between running WRF stand-alone and WRF coupled with LIS is with creating the boundary conditions and initialisation files. When coupled to LIS, real.exe was modified to use information from a LIS output file to combine with the metgrid.exe outputs so that fields between the offline spin-up and the coupled run are coherent. As such, one needs to have finished the LIS spin-up before creating the boundary conditions and initialisation files.

Once your spin-up is done, go into your DECK_DIR, then look for the file getbdy_grib_1999_06.pbs (for the testcase). You need to submit it to the queues:

qsub getbdy_grib_1999_06.deck

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