Difference between revisions of "NCI Guidelines scratch"

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* High availability
* High availability
[[include component="page" wikiName="climate-cms" page="nci_guidelines_index" editable="1"]]
[[Category:NCI Guidelines]]

Revision as of 01:10, 21 March 2019

NCI's /short data space, like /g/data and MDSS, is a shared space for all users of a project at NCI. Each project with access to Raijin has a directory `/short/$PROJECT`.

/short is the original large file store on Raijin, and is intended for storage of input and output data files required by jobs in the queue. As the name suggests it is intended for short-term storage of files, not long-term archiving.

Key features of /short are:

  • Access from Raijin only (no access from VDI)
  • No backups
  • High availability