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The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) conducted JRA-55, the second Japanese global atmospheric reanalysis project. It covers 55 years, extending back to 1958, coinciding with the establishment of the global radiosonde observing system. Compared to its predecessor, JRA-25, JRA-55 is based on a new data assimilation and prediction system (DA) that improves many deficiencies found in the first Japanese reanalysis. These improvements have come about by implementing higher spatial resolution (TL319L60), a new radiation scheme, four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) with Variational Bias Correction (VarBC) for satellite radiances, and introduction of greenhouse gases with time varying concentrations. The entire JRA-55 production was completed in 2013, and thereafter will be continued on a real time basis. (This information was obtained from the NCAR website http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds628.0/)


You need to register by filling the | JRA-55 project application form to use this dataset. A copy of their agreement is available here as File:Application_JRA_Data_Access.pdf.

More information, the JRA55 user manuals for pressure and model levels and quality issues with the data are listed both in the | JRA-55 project website and the NCAR | Climate Data Guide and | JRA-55 dataset webpages

JRA55 on raijin

Getting access:

This dataset is part of the climate re-analysis collection, which is stored on raijin in the climate re-analysis collection, which is a collaboration between BoM, CSIRO and ARCCSS. To access the data you need to be part of rr7 group, request access via | my.nci.org.au

Location of the data

Data is located in

  • pressure levels: /g/data1/rr7/ana4MIPs/reanalysis/JRA/JRA55/6hr/atmos/<varname>/v1/<filenames>
  • model levels: /g/data1/rr7/ana4MIPs/reanalysis/JRA/JRA55/6hr/atmos/reg-tl319/<varname>/v1/<filenames>

We are going to move the data on Monday 13th of August to:

  • pressure levels: /g/data1/rr7/JRA55/6hr/atmos/<varname>/v1/<filenames>
  • model levels: /g/data1/rr7/JRA55/6hr/atmos/reg-tl319/<varname>/v1/<filenames>

Filenames are: _<mip>_JRA55_<grid>_<YYYYMMDDHH-YYYMMDDHH>.nc <grid> information is currently present only for model level data and it is "reg-tl319" <mip> is 6hrPlev and 6hrLev for pressure and model levels respectively

NB this is a temporary location, the directory structure will be updated in the future

Currently available variables on model levels are

  • ta - atmospheric temperature
  • ua - eastward wind component
  • va - northward wind component
  • hus - specific humidity
  • zg - geopotential
  • ps - surface air pressure

Currently available variables on pressure levels are

  • tas- surface atmospheric temperature
  • uas - surface eastward wind component
  • vas - surface northward wind component
  • hurs - surface relative humidity
  • huss - surface specific humidity
  • zg - geopotential
  • ps - surface air pressure
  • psl - air pressure at sea level
  • dptas - Near-Surface Dew Point Depression

Download & conversion process

We downloaded the model analysis level from the NCAR website and the pressure level data from the JMA Data Dissemination System


You can add comment on this collection directly here or on the dedicated | Observational and Reanalysis Data page on NCI confluence For questions use the | Climate Community confluence questions .