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Raijin was NCI's primary supercomputer from July 2013 to December 2019. It has 3592 compute nodes, each containing two 8-core Intel Sandy-Bridge processors. The majority of nodes have 32GB of memory, with ~1000 having 64 GB.

NCI have a | user guide for Raijin available on their website which you should also read through.

Getting an account

If you don't already have a NCI account you should | apply for one. You'll also need to be connected to a NCI project for accounting purposes, your CI or supervisor should be able to give you the project code to use in the | connection form. NCI will send you a password via SMS once your application has been processed, this usually takes under a day to do.

Connecting to Raijin

To connect to Raijin you'll need to use a SSH connection to If you're using Windows you'll need to use something like | PuTTY, or if you're connecting from linux or mac run on the commandline (substitute abc123 with your own username)

ssh -Y

You can make a shortcut for this by editing the file ~/.ssh/config and adding the lines:

Host              raijin
User              abc123
ForwardX11        true
ForwardX11Trusted true

This way you just need to type 'ssh raijin' to connect.

If you want to use VNC instead of X11 Forwarding, see this guide: VNC to Raijin

Swapping Projects

If you use more than one project you can swap between them with the command 'switchproj', e.g.

switchproj w35

will change your current project to w35.

You can also change your default project by editing the file on Raijin ~/.rashrc, it should have a line like

setenv PROJECT w35

Resources on Raijin

To see how much compute time you have available run the command

nci_account -P $PROJECT -q 2013.q3

To see how much storage space you have available run the command

lquota -P $PROJECT

Submitting Jobs

To run a job on the supercomputer you submit it to a job queue using the 'qsub' command. Jobs are shell script files, they contain special markers to say what resources the job needs.

As an example the script ""

#PBS -l ncpus=2
#PBS -l walltime=10:00
#PBS -l mem=1gb

echo "Hello"

says to run with 2 cpus for a maximum time of 10 minutes. The job can use up to 1 GB of memory. Anything after the #PBS}} lines is what gets run on the supercomputer, in this instance it just prints "Hello" (any output goes to files in the directory you submitted the job named like "", error messages go to files named like " The command '-v PROJECT' means run using the current project, you can also specify a project to use like '-v PROJECT=w35'.

If the job tries to use more resources than it's asked for it will be automatically stopped. The less resources you ask for the more likely it is that your job will run quickly however, you should try to request an amount close to what the job actually uses.

Managing Jobs

To see a list of your submitted & currently running jobs run


This also shows how much resources each job has requested & is currently using.

Each job in the queue has a run id number associated with it (this is also printed when you submit a job with qsub). To get more information on a job run

qstat -s 123456 # Show any status information, e.g. why the job isn't currently running
qstat -f 123456 # Show full information, including resources requested & environment variables

To remove a job from the queue use qdel

qdel 123456 # Remove the job 123456 from the queue

Changes from Vayu

Vayu was NCI's previous supercomputer. There are some changes that need to be made to run jobs designed for Vayu run on Raijin.

The PBS flags

#PBS -l vmem=2gb
#PBS -wd

should be changed to

#PBS -l mem=2gb
#PBS -l wd

The environment variable $PROJECT should be set before submitting a job, or a line like


should be added to scripts.

Shared ACCESS data that used to be in the path


is now available under
