Data resources

Revision as of 17:03, 18 March 2019 by P.petrelli (talk | contribs)

This page contains documentation about data relevant to the ARCCSS data climate data and how to access data available at NCI and on web-based climate portals.

Data policies and services within the Centre

University data policies and services

Datasets hosted on raijin and managed by the ARCCSS

Other datasets hosted on raijin

ARCCSS datasets and software published on Research Data Australia (RDA)

The Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science has started publishing its datasets on Research Data Australia (RDA), the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) metadata repository. The first datasets to be published were from the Climate Model Downscaling Data for Impacts Research (CliMDDIR), then the ACCESS CMIP5 simulations.

  • ACCESS - CMIP5 simulations
  • | CliMDDIR - Climate Model Downscaling Data for Impacts Research
  • ARCCSS collection - ARCCSS datasets on the NCI Data Catalogue
  • | C20C+ ACCESS - Atmospheric ACCESS1.3 historical all forcing model output for the Climate of the 20th Century Plus (C20C+) Detection and Attribution sub-project
  • | marineHeatWaves - Marine heatwaves detection code

External data resources