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= <span style="font-size:13.999999999999998pt;  font-family:Arial;  color:#434343;  background-color:transparent;  font-weight:400;  font-style:normal;  font-variant:normal;  text-decoration:none;  vertical-align:baseline;  white-space:pre;  white-space:pre-wrap">Panel plot along the time axis</span> =
=== <span style="font-size:13.999999999999998pt;  font-family:Arial;  color:#434343;  background-color:transparent;  font-weight:400;  font-style:normal;  font-variant:normal;  text-decoration:none;  vertical-align:baseline;  white-space:pre;  white-space:pre-wrap">Panel plot along the time axis</span> ===
<span style="font-size:11pt;  font-family:Arial;  color:#000000;  background-color:transparent;  font-weight:400;  font-style:normal;  font-variant:normal;  text-decoration:none;  vertical-align:baseline;  white-space:pre;  white-space:pre-wrap">How to plot all time slices of a 3D dataset (time, latitude, longitude) in a single figure? We settled on this:</span> from itertools import chain
<span style="font-size:11pt;  font-family:Arial;  color:#000000;  background-color:transparent;  font-weight:400;  font-style:normal;  font-variant:normal;  text-decoration:none;  vertical-align:baseline;  white-space:pre;  white-space:pre-wrap">How to plot all time slices of a 3D dataset (time, latitude, longitude) in a single figure? We settled on this:</span> from itertools import chain

Revision as of 20:38, 3 November 2021

Panel plot along the time axis

How to plot all time slices of a 3D dataset (time, latitude, longitude) in a single figure? We settled on this: from itertools import chain

fig, axes = plt.subplot(7, 4, figsize=(20, 40),
                        subplot_kw={'projection': ccrs.PlateCarree()})

for t, ax in enumerate(chain(*axes)):
    field = mydata.field.isel(time=t)
    field.plot(ax=ax, x='latitude', y='longitude', 
               add_colorbar=False, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())

# add latitude ticks for first column
for j in range(7):
    axes[j][0].set_yticks(np.linspace(-90, 90, 5, endpoint=True), 

# add longitude ticks for final row
for j in range(4):
    axes[-1][j].set_xticks(np.linspace(-180, 180, 5, endpoint=True), 