
Revision as of 00:21, 24 November 2020 by C.carouge (talk | contribs) (Accessdev) is the control server for submitting Unified Model and JULES jobs

Getting Connected

To connect to Accessdev you will need to be a member of the NCI ACCESS group.

You can then connect to Accessdev with


replacing USER with your own NCI username.

Getting Set Up

There are different setup requirements depending on if you are wanting to run newer versions of the UM or the CMIP5-era ACCESS 1 models

UM 10+ / ACCESS 2 (Rose + Cylc)

1. Join the ACCESS group

Go to and follow the instructions there

2. Request a MOSRS account

Email and ask for a MOSRS account

3. Setup a GPG password cache

On Acessdev run


to setup a GPG agent (a program that stores your passwords)

4. Run 'mosrs-auth'

Then log out and back in again, and run


to save your MOSRS password into the agent. The password will be saved for 24 hours, so you'll need to run it again each day, however it's generally only required to check out a new configuration, not to run one that's already downloaded.

5. Setup SSH connections

To be able to see the status of jobs Rose+Cylc needs to be able to SSH to and from Gadi

Run the script /g/data/hh5/public/apps/nci_scripts/accessdev-gadi-setup on accessdev to have this set up automatically for you

6. Try the tutorial

The Met Office have documentation and a tutorial for running the UM at

UM 7 & 8 / ACCESS 1 (UMUI)

1. Join the ACCESS group

Go to and follow the instructions there

2. Setup a GPG password cache

If you have a MOSRS account then simply run the command 'mosrs-setup'

Otherwise, add the following to the end of the file '~/.bash_profile':

[ -f ~/.gpg-agent-info ] && source ~/.gpg-agent-info
if [ -S "${GPG_AGENT_INFO%%:*}" ]; then
    export GPG_AGENT_INFO
    eval $( gpg-agent --daemon --allow-preset-passphrase --batch --max-cache-ttl 43200 --write-env-file ~/.gpg-agent-info )

3. Run 'access-auth'

Log out and back in again, and run


to save your NCI password into the agent. The password will be saved for 24 hours, so you'll need to run it again each day, however it's generally only required to check out the model source code, so only when you're building the model.

4. Setup SSH connections

To be able to submit jobs UMUI needs to be able to SSH to Gadi

Run the script /g/data/hh5/public/apps/nci_scripts/accessdev-gadi-setup on accessdev to have this set up automatically for you


If you run into trouble send CMS an email at