ACCESS1.3b AMIP Land Use Change

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Ruth Lorenz, [|]


Based on Greg Roff's (BoM) ACCESS 1.3 job on Solar, but with CABLE2.0 instead of 1.8. Updated sea surface temperature and sea ice input files to cover longer time period (1950-2011). Alternative vegetation fraction files used for different experiments. Set up on Raijin by Ruth Lorenz with help from Scott Wales and Jhan Srbinovsky. Updated Sea surface temperature and sea ice files provided by Dan Copsey (Met Office),

Specific Ancillary Files

  • /home/561/rzl561/input_data/LUC/ for vegetation files
  • /short/public/rzl561/input_data/sst_amip_1870-2012_n96
  • /short/public/rzl561/input_data/seaice_amip_1870-2012_n96

Use Cases

Deforestation experiments over Amazonia.

Modules of the Experiment

Atmosphere UM 7.3
Land Surface CABLE 2.0
Ocean Prescribed (AMIP)
Configuration HadGEM3 (beta)


At 8x16 cores, 1 year run takes about 2h40

Job submission

uaoy (accesscollab) vacd (accessdev)

Code Repositories

[[1]] [[2]]


Data access

A dataset is available for the deforestation experiments over Amazonia. This dataset is described in ANDS RDA and will be soon available on a proper data server. In the meantime the data can be obtained by contacting the data owner Ruth Lorenz, [|] or the CMS data manager Access to this dataset is free for non-commercial use, the users are free to download this dataset and share it with others as long as they credit the dataset owners, but they can’t change the dataset in any way or use it commercially.